by pykuta
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2012 10:03 PM
In a period of five years we have no say wahtsoever in the governance of our country. Its only in the election year they come to us and pretend to listen.
Four years of looting public coffers and using the money in expanding their empire and wahtever remains is for bribing voters. This has become a pattern fro so long, when will it stop?
Can we overturn the expectations? Can we really do it? Can we put words into action. Who suffers most by ignoring facts and embracing tribalism. One interesting thing is; our leaders esp MPs are the ones propagating tribalism! Why? They can only lead and loot if the country is divided into 47 parts.
Let no lie to you, there is no tribalism in parliament, they are one with one mission to suffocate us and fornicate with our resources. What would happen if the country would be one: we would wake up one day, one day, and wipe them and never again allow the repeat.