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Eastleigh and Eastleighs to be

by wanderikinyanjui

Posted on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 06:17 PM

Today was my first day in Eastleigh! Do not even think that I came to Nairobi the other day. I have been in this city for a long time. I can tell you that Eastleigh is a unique trading center in Kenya. This where money flows literally. This is the reason why banks have recently rushed to pitch tents there.

However, the roads are very pathetic. I do not understand why an economic hub like this has poor infrastructure. Do these people really remit taxes?

Now to my point: It is astonishing that over 76% of shop owners and attendants neither speak nor understand Kiswahili. So where did they come from? The only people who do are the cart-pullers, beggars, hawkers and buyers. I thought that Swahili as a subject has been mandatory in both primary and secondary level. Please correct me if not true.

I am being told that this model is about to be replicated in other town centers. If you know any such center, please let us know in advance. 

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